Love From Mama

baby travel system

Baby Travel System

Baby Travel System is the modern term for Pram and car seat as in how your baby is going to go out and about. Babies are so delicate and soft that they need well supported travel systems. These travel systems can also be slings, carriers and so on.

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Led Weaning

Baby Led Weaning Tips

Typically, a baby can start having solids from 26 weeks or 6 months onwards. Babies are able to deal with finger food since the age of 26 weeks.

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Baby formula feeding

Baby Formula Feeding

Some simple tips and guidelines for formula feeding. I personally didn’t have the opportunity to formula feed my baby but I had done all necessary research.

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BreastFeeding mother

BreastFeeding / Pumping

I always thought that breastfeeding is the natural way of feeding babies so it must be easy and should come naturally. My God! I couldn’t be more wrong. I agree it’s natural way of feeding baby but establishing a smooth breastfeeding journey takes around 8-9 weeks.

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Baby Sleeping

Baby Sleeping

My son’s favourite spot to sleep was on me or my husband. He was a bit colicky so being upright was the best for him during the day time but magically he would sleep in his carrycot at night. We tried co-sleepers but he didn’t like it so we bedshared. 

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Physical health

Physical health

If you had an episiotomy, make sure you are recovering well. Take plenty of rest, Let the stiches air dry. You can even use witch haze water every time you use toilet after cleaning the area with water, you can even add to the maternity pads.

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Postpartum Mental Health

Postpartum Mental Health

Mental health is something that people do not discuss much but post pregnancy it is quite common for mothers to experience postnatal depression and at times women can experience it during pregnancy too.

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