Toddler Sleep

Toddlers need to sleep well as there is so much happening with them, mental development (leap), growth spurts, teething, nightmares and night terrors, sleep walking and so on. Typically, a toddler needs a total sleep of 11-14 hours a day (10-12 hours at night and 1-2 hours during daytime). But saying that each toddler is different, and their sleep requirements are different. Some can sleep less than that, I personally won’t be worried unless they have less energy or not interested in play and not being himself/herself.

Brains in babies and kids keep developing from birth till 5-7 years of age. Proper brain development in kids is based on the amount of brain stimulation and experiences one gets since birth. They need a lot of physical, mental and communication activities along with love and patience. Because of all, these brain development some toddlers cannot sleep well at night.

It is expected for babies and toddlers to sleep through night, but this is a developmental milestone in a kid’s life, and this would naturally happen between the age 3 and 6. Circadian rhythm and production of melatonin play a big part as well and their sleep cycle lasts for 1.5 hours to 2 hours and most kids cannot transition through the sleep cycles by themselves and need assistance like nursing back to sleep or rocking or patting and so on. Parents and toddlers need to find what works for them. 

If the toddler baby sleeps with you on the same bed or in the same room, it’s great or if sleeping in different room then it’s great too. Whatever works for you. If your toddler sleeps in a different room then you can investigate buying a bed close to the ground even may be just a mattress. Ideally bed should be big as they move around a lot.

Keys to a good night sleep:

  • Good nap during daytime. Usually, it can be between 1-3 naps for a year-old toddler to 0-1 naps for a 3 year-old. Naps can last from 1 – 2 hours but it can vary depending on your kid. If my kid didn’t have a good daytime nap, he wouldn’t have a good night sleep.
  • Have a healthy dinner 2 hours before bedtime. No junk food please.
  • Have a bedtime routine and not too elaborate one, just a quick one that lasts for 30-40 min. You can choose what suits you, I have bath time, pyjama, nappy, brush and books or puzzles to do. Of course, it can vary at times like sometimes kids wouldn’t like to get a bath, just go with the flow but be consistent. 
  • No blue light or screen time for kids at least 1-2 hours before bedtimes (WHO recommends no screen time till the age of 4 but at least try your best – WHO on children should pay more)
  • Loads of brain and physical exercises during daytime including outdoor activities.
  • Keep an eye for the early signs of tiredness like – confused, clumsiness, crying, clinging, indecisiveness.
  • Reduce stimulation like no hyperactive games like jumping or chasing and so on before bedtime.
  • I use white noise with waterfall, choose any good music that works for you.
  • The bed should be big and preferably close to floor may be a floor mattress as toddlers move a lot. A small bed would restrict them, and they may bump into sides of the bed.
  • Room temperature is ideal for them. Our room temperature remain at 21 and my kid wears a light pyjama with 1 Tog sleeping bag.
  • Let them know what will be involved in the routine and everyday remind them of what’s coming next. It helps them to understand the process and nothing is a surprise. 

Some articles to read to know more on toddler sleep: on Toddler Sleep

Sarah Ockwell-Smith is a promoter of gentle sleep and parenting. See her pages below:

Toddlers all Sleep Through the Night – Don’t They?

Toddler Sleep

The above articles will help you understand the science and psychology behind toddler sleep and handle your expectation.

Some example of Montessori/Toddler beds are below:

Etsy Montessori Beds

Etsy Toddler Beds article on toddler beds

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Last edited 3 years ago by Love From Mama
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